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Where your money goes

By April 15, 2012February 15th, 2019No Comments

Over the years we are very proud to have raised tens of thousands of pounds for local, national and international charities such as Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, Marie Curie, The Three Peas, Weldmar Hospice, Save the Children Fund, Handley Scouts, Diverse Abilities Plus and The Dandelion Trust as well as other causes including youth centres plus medical, learning and play facilities and much much more.

As a huge thank you to the villagers each year we also keep a bit back for Chettle Village itself: this has paid for new trestle tables for the village hall, a new notice board that is outside the shop and a bench in memory of Teddy Bourke, a Dorset legend and one of the custodians of Chettle.